Chris was completely against painting the cabinets. He likes the wood-look. But, with his basement "man-cave" coming along nicely now, I convinced him that white cabinets are the way to go.
I found Rustoleum Cabinet Transformation kits at Lowe's and went digging on the internet for reviews. Almost all of the reviews I found were positive, so we decided to give it a try. The best thing about this kit is there is NO SANDING!!! :)
Chris was skeptical, so his only request was that I try it out on the bathroom cabinet before doing the kitchen so we would know what it was like and not ruin the kitchen cabinets. So, I gave it a try!
You guys have actually never seen our bathroom! This bathroom is in the hallway and it is the one that all of our guests use.
Here are the pictures of the bathroom before.
Sorry for the poor pictures, my camera was dead so I had to use my phone.
With the Cabinet Transformations kit, you do a deglosser coat first- that cleans it really well and gets any grease off of the surface so the paint will stick. Next is the bond coat. The DVD that came with the kit said you would have enough for 2 coats of the bond coat. The only problem.... it took 4 coats!!! So if you buy this kit, keep that in mind for how much you will need. After the bond coat, you can do an optional glaze coat. I did the glaze coat only on the edges to make a aged effect. And last but not least is a protective top coat.
Here are the results.
All-in-all, I was satisfied with the kit for the cabinet. A few things I would suggest if you plan on trying it.
- Remember that it took me 4 coats of the bond coat. The amount of square footage the box tells you it will cover is only for 2 coats.
- I would definitely recommend starting with a single cabinet in a bathroom or laundry room like I did. I have a better idea of what I'm doing now and learned a few tricks along the way.
- It WILL take you longer than you think. I thought I would have it done it about 3 days... it took me 2 weeks. Disclaimer- if you don't have a baby, it may not take you that long :)
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