
Friday, May 31, 2013

Initial Thoughts- The Nursery Edition

So, I'm kind of obsessed with initial art.  I find myself pinning more and more and more of it on Pinterest.  I created this one with mine and Chris' initials back a couple of years ago for the family room.

You can read my post and see the tutorial on that here.

I knew I wanted to bring something into the nursery that displayed Khloe's initials.  I spelled her name with a K to be unique, so I wanted to do something with K.

On one of my Pinterest kicks, I found this button art that I thought would be cute.

By the way, I now have a Pinterest page for the blog.  Follow me by clicking here! 
So I tried it out and quickly found out that whoever made this is a freak of nature.... a very crafty, perfect freak of nature!  Look how straight the lines are with round buttons.... how do you do that??  Mine looked all lumpy and not perfect AT ALL!!!  I don't think I have the patience to fit all those buttons perfectly together.  I'm more of an instant gratification kind of gal.
Plan B- make it out of beads instead of buttons.
I bought a cheap 8"x10" frame from the dollar store and spray painted it glossy white.  I disgarded the glass.
I started out by printing out a K in the font and size that I wanted mine to be.  I attached that to the backing of the frame.
I took a roll of burlap from Lowe's (you can find it in the garden section) and layered it over my K printout until it was the thickness I wanted and hot glued the edges.  I left it translucent enough so that I could see the K through it as a guide to glue my beads.

I hot glued the beads to the burlap until every bit of the printout was covered. 

It wasn't the plan I started out with, but I actually like this better than the buttons anyways, gives the room a bit of bling ;)



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