
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Trust Me... I Have a Good Excuse!

Okay, so I haven't posted every week since the New Year.  I really really was going to.... but..... I do have a good excuse.  There was a little drama/ hysteria/ crying/ terror/ laughing/ crying again/ screaming/ dancing going on in the Gillespie house these past two weeks.  You wanna know what it is????? 

Wait for it.......


Wait for it.......


Wait for it.......


We're having a BABY!!!!!

Ahhhh!!!  If you're surprised, you're not the only one!!  In fact, just this past Christmas, people were asking me, "When are you guys gonna have a little one?"  to which I would respond with a laugh, "Oh, it'll be a while!  We have stuff to do and places to see!" Or something like that.  Insert foot into mouth, because at the exact time I was saying this, I had a little peanut growing inside me.  Have you ever heard the saying, "If you want to hear God laugh tell him your plans"?  Well, that is pretty much the story of our lives right about now.

I noticed a few... ahem... symptoms of pregnancy a couple of weeks ago and started to freak out.  Chris kept telling me, you're crazy, there's no way you're pregnant!  So, finally after two weeks of this, I went to WalMart and bought a preganancy test. 

When I got home, I took the test and waited.  The whole time about to have a heart attack thinking about it.  After the longest 2 minutes of my life, I got up the courage to go look at it and... it was blank.  What the heck does that mean??????  So.... out came the instructions which said if it was blank then the test was void and to take another one.  So.... 2 minutes later.  POSITIVE!!  I screamed for Chris... I was shaking and crying and all he said was, "We have to get more tests."  A trip to WalMart and 6 tests later (yes, I said 6), and our final results were.
2- void (no results)
4- positive

I scheduled an appointment with the doctor to confirm the pregnancy.  The whole office thought it was a hoot that we had taken 6 tests.  After the 7th test came back positive at the doctor's office, it was confirmed. 

So what does this all mean?  Well, the first reaction was complete shock and terror.  After we settled down a bit, it has turned into excitement!  We're both 25 years old, we're plenty old enough :)  We've been married for 6 years this May, so we've had time by ourselves.  We're financially safe and have a home.  The only thing that's been holding us back is fear. 

I have a severe case of White Coat Syndrome (fear of doctors).  So every time I go to the doctor, my heart rate goes crazy and they look at me like I'm going to die.  Then I have to go into the whole thing about how I'm fine at home, it just goes crazy when I'm scared and I'm terrified of anything medical-related.  So, I am really scared about this.  But God made it happen and he'll take care of me and the baby.  I have to keep telling myself that. 

As soon as I can, I'll post about how we told our families... let's just say, we have some pretty great pictures!

- Brooke

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