
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Camping In...

It's the last of the house tour and I just have one more room I want to show you for now, the family room.  This is the room where all the fun stuff happens.  It's where us Gillespies get crazy!  (If you call brownies and movie night crazy... and we certainly do!)  This is the room where we spend 90% of our time in the evenings.  And why not??  It has all the fun stuff!  We were having fun with this room even before we moved in... I'll explain later :)  So here are some before shots.

hmmm... not sure what was on my camera lens...

There are those beautiful curtains again.... ugh

We had never had a fireplace before, so we were downright giddy about this one :)

We had the house ready to move into in the winter of 2009.  But, we were missing one thing... electricity!  The electric company took forever and a day to get our electric hooked up... and if you know Chris and I, you know we aren't the most patient of people.  So, we broke out the sleeping bags and the s'mores and camped out in our house.  Okay... there were no s'mores, looking back, there should have been.  It just so happened to be in the middle of a cold snap and blankets didn't help!

We had work lights, a kerosene heater and 2 subs from M.T.O. and we were good to go!

 Don't I look like I'm having fun?  Actually, it was a blast... that face is just frozen like that!

Yes, we had our pool table before we had electricity... don't judge us...

We finally got electricty and heat!  Then we started painting.

The whole time I was painting that red wall I was thinking, "My dad would never have let me do this at home!"  Insert sneaky laugh here.
And finally... here is the family room now.

This wall contains Chris' pride and joy.... and the bane of my existence.  Actually the deer don't bother me too much, but 2 is the limit.

We still have a lot of work to do in here.  The drywallers came and patched some cracks that we had, and when we touched up the paint, it didn't blend well.  So, we will be re-painting the Khaki at some point.  Luckily the red wall didn't need any repairs, so it is still okay.  I want some type of console table to go under the deer to fill in the void and eventually I would like to do some built-ins on either side of the fireplace.  For now, this room has turned into a cozy retreat.  Now to get more wall art for in there... there's alot of wall space that needs filled!

Brooke  Y

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